Monday, December 28, 2009

Eleventh Day of OJT (Dec 28, 2009) "Back Again"

It's already quarter to eight when I enter the village going to our office. But instead of riding a tricycle just to catch up on time, I still decided to walk because its just a fifteen minute walk from there to our office. While walking I saw my co-OJT's too so I went walking with them and after a while we arrived at the office. Reaching, we rest for a while and then started to work. Our supervisor had assigned us to do a new tasks which is to make a "Chapter Project" for each chapter of the book that we finished. I can say it's not that easy because it's more on thinking about what case study will you choose for a specific topic. We became really worried because this is another pressure for us but still we manage to become positive even though this task really challenge our minds. Anyway, tomorrow is another day and another day means another chance to work efficiently.


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