Monday, December 28, 2009

Tenth Day of OJT (Dec 23, 2009) "Halfday Pressure"

This is our last day in OJT before Christmas break. Our supervisor told us yesterday that we will only work half day today. Everyone of us is on the mood to work because we had finished our assigned tasks yesterday and that we're going home early today. After arriving at the office, we start to work. Everything is going smoothly and we had only few lessons and chapters of the book to be rechecked. Later that lunch, our supervisor talked to us and asked for the development of what we are working into, then the pressure enters. We had no idea that there are lots of instructions that we had to worked to, but we only learned it that day so we had to catch up just to finish our tasks. We work and work and work. So far, that day, we already start fixing what has to be fixed and then we go home, somewhat unworried.


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